This file was created with 10 point/12cpi, non-proportional type, e.g. Courier/Monaco. There are 1" borders on all sides, if it helps with your setup for readability. Some areas are tabbed and are indicated. 1871 Ontario Census Heads of Households VERSION 3 - Documentation ================================================================= Version DBF-1.02 November 1995 Created by- R. E. Cox, < > 74 Brunswick Dr., Beaconsfield, QC, H9W 5H2, Canada COPYRIGHT ---------- Certain portions of this document are abstracted from the original NAC documentation. As the data itself is in the public domain, it is not subject to copyright, but the format and related documents are. Copyright (C) 1995 R. E. Cox Free, non-commercial distribution of these files are welcomed and encouraged. Permission to copy all or part of this work is granted, provided that the copies are not made or distributed for resale (except a nominal copying fee to only cover expenses may be charged), and provided that the 71READ ME and 71DOCN, including the author-contact information, and this copyright notice, are retained verbatim and are displayed conspicuously. It is requested that you make a donation to your local Family History group library fund as a donation for my effort, asking that your donation be earmarked for purchasing new Ontario resource material. ORDERING PROCEDURE ---------------- While these files are available FREE through many bulletin boards, some may wish to order the files via snail mail. Orders should be sent to : Jim McKane, 192 Baker Street, Waterloo, Ontario N2T 2L4 Please send a cheque or money order for $25.00 to cover costs payable to "Waterloo-Wellington Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society". Funds raised in this manner will be used solely for the continuation of genealogical indexing and publication projects within the branch. BACKGROUND ----------- This census index is an electronic version derived from the original paper documents and ledgers. The records were prepared for the computer by volunteers from the Ontario Genealogical Society (OGS), and the initial processing and computer work was performed by National Archives of Canada (NAC). These computer files were then made available to the public, with the records grouped into files by electoral sub-district. The original version of the NAC database was reformatted, alphabetized and distributed in April 1994. It contained MANY errors and ommissions that have since been corrected. Version 3 contains approximately 80,000 MORE names than the original. Using version 3 of the NAC database, each record was reformatted with comma delimiters, augmented with both a meaningful 1871 county code and the township, town or ward where the individual was located at the time of the census. The collection of records were then sorted into alphabetical order, and split into manageable sized files. NOTE: The index ONLY contains the names of; ---- - Heads of families, - Strays, a person who has a surname other than that of the head of house, - Death schedule names, i.e. people who died in 1870 or early 1871. ERRORS AND OMISSIONS --------------------- While every effort has been made to assure the complete, error-free preparation of this database, the author accepts no responsibility for errors and omissions in this or the original database. Some minor formatting errors and inconsistencies were noted in the original NAC database and were corrected, both on group and individual records. Other errors noted, and still present, will require reference to the original microfilms for correction. PURPOSE -------- The 1871 Ontario Census HEADS of HOUSEHOLDS and STRAYS INDEX contains nearly 416,000 records arranged in alphabetical order. This will allow easy searching of the whole database for a given individual that was either the head of a household or a stray. FILE NAMES ---------- The following list comprises the entire set of files needed for a complete database, as well as some reference material. All of the files, with the exception of the map and documentation files, are ASCII, comma delimited, text files. The letter(s) in the filename indicates the surnames contained in the file:- Archive Contains Remarks ------------ ----------- ------- 71v3-A.ZIP 1871N-A.ASC 1871N-UN.ASC a file of no known surname and possible alternate name records. 71v3-B.ZIP 1871N-B.ASC 71v3-C1.ZIP 1871N-C1.ASC to Clinic 71v3-C2.ZIP 1871N-C2.ASC 71v3-D.ZIP 1871N-D.ASC 71v3-EF.ZIP 1871N-E.ASC 1871N-F.ASC 71v3-G.ZIP 1871N-G.ASC 71v3-H.ZIP 1871N-H.ASC 71v3-IK.ZIP 1871N-IJ.ASC 1871N-K.ASC 71v3-L.ZIP 1871N-L.ASC 71v3-M1.ZIP 1871N-M1.ASC M to McKenzie 71v3-M2.ZIP 1871N-M2.ASC 71v3-NO.ZIP 1871N-N.ASC 1871N-O.ASC 71v3-PQ.ZIP 1871N-PQ.ASC 71v3-R.ZIP 1871N-R.ASC 71v3-S.ZIP 1871N-S.ASC 71v3-T.ZIP 1871N-T.ASC 71v3-UZ.ZIP 1871N-UV.ASC 1871N-W.ASC 1871N-XZ.ASC 71DISTS&.ZIP 71DISTS&.ASC file showing the 1871 Ontario Census Districts with their associated Townships, Towns, Wards, Counties and the associated microfilm numbers. 71DOCN.ZIP 71DOCN.TXT This file. 71MAPS.ZIP 1871 CEN.GIF GIF files of maps for 1871 Electoral Districts 1871 CES.GIF READING THE FILES ------------------ The SMALLER comma separated ASCII format data files can be read with a text editor, word processor or spreadsheet program, but greater viewing flexibility can be gained by importing these files into a data base program. Depending on your database program, you could require up to 80 mb of hard disk space to hold all of the uncompressed files. The GIF files require a program such as JPEG to be viewed. FIELD SIZES and DEFINITIONS - Census Data files --------------------------- In working with the NAC census files, three different record layouts were encountered. In the table following, "Max Width" was the predominate field size encountered, and will ensure all information is visible if used in designing your database. However, not all entries use their full field sizes, and hence with some compromise as to column width, type size and font used, you can compromise on column width allowed in your design. In the "Comp" (compromise) column below, the maximum column widths encountered for 1871 A.ASC, using Helvetica, are shown as a guide. To get a single line output, further compromise on the larger field widths may be necessary, generally with little adverse affect to bulk of the entries. (With my database programs, clicking on a field will show the full data if clipping/truncation has occurred.) (Where unknown is shown in the table below, coding applied to records was not an "authorised" value.TABLE-IS-TABBED) Field Format Max Width Comp Code/Variable Description ---- ----- --------- ---- ------------------- 1 AN 19 17 Family name of individual 2 AN 15 10 First given name of individual 3 AN 12 12 Second given name of person 4 AN 3 2 Code to indicate whether the resident is a stray or head of house. The following abbreviations may appear in this field. Blank- head of house 1- indicates that the person has a surname other than the head of house. 1?- unknown code 2 - Entry is from the death schedules 3 - unknown code 7 - unknown code I - unknown code 5 N 2 2 Sex of individual The following abbreviations may appear in this field. Blank- Male 1 - Female F - Unknown code (female?) I - Unknown code M - Unknown code (male?) 2 - Unknown code (Age?) 13 - Unknown code (Age?) 21 - Unknown code (Age?) 22 - Unknown code (Age?) 25 - Unknown code (Age?) 28 - Unknown code (Age?) 30 - Unknown code (Age?) 33 - Unknown code (Age?) 35 - Unknown code (Age?) 38 - Unknown code (Age?) 40 - Unknown code (Age?) 45 - Unknown code (Age?) 46 - Unknown code (Age?) 50 - Unknown code (Age?) 52 - Unknown code (Age?) 57 - Unknown code (Age?) 67 - Unknown code (Age?) 07 - Unknown code (Age?) 6 N 4 3 Age of individual at NEXT birthday. Whole numbers represents the number of years. The following abbreviations may appear in this field. ? - Unknown code 6 - Unknown code (6/60?) INF - Infant NG - Not Given 1 - Unknown code 0 - Unknown code (infant?) 28? - Unknown code 772 - Unknown code 7 AN 17 13 Country or province of birth. 8 AN 20 8 Religion of occupant 9 AN 18 15 Ethnic Origin 10 AN 21 18 "Profession, Occupation or Trade" 11 N 4 2 District Number See file "71DISTS&.ASC" for translation of code. 12 A 4 2 Sub - District Code See file "71DISTS&.ASC" for translation of code. 13 N 3 2 Division Number 14 AN 4 3 Page number on the census form where all the information resides for the person identified. D - Entry is from death schedules. All other numbers are absolute values. D2 - DeathEntry????? 2SC - Unknown code S - Unknown code. 15 A - 4 County code See file "71DISTS&.ASC" for translation of code. 16 A - 19 Town/Township/Ward See file "71DISTS&.ASC" for expansion. NOTE:- SOME RECORDS MAY CONTAIN COMMENTS THAT REFER TO ALIAS' OR OTHER PEOPLE. Normally these take the form of an alternate name spelling and will be found in the occupation field. These records appear in two places; - where the alternate name falls alphabetically, and also in - the questionable file. FIELD SIZES and DEFINITIONS - 71DISTS&.ASC file -------------------------------------------- This is an ASCII, comma delimited, text file that pulls together material from a variety of sources for reference. While it can be used in either a word processor or spreadsheet, creating a small database will allow easier searches. In creating the file I used; - the NAC Catalogue of Census Returns on Microfilm to obtain Census District and sub district names, and the associated microfilm numbers, - The NAC files contained a listing of Census Districts and their associated numeric codes as used on the actual records, - "Townships of the Province of Ontario Canada", (sold by Nipissing Branch of the OGS, ISBN 1-55116-460-4) provided the County coding used, and helped with determining the 1871 county names, and the "modern names", the "now called" column. (A "must have" book in my library- under $10.) As the files were reformatted, they were checked off against the list, and the sub-district codes added. In some cases the microfilm catalogue entry was not found on the data files. Does this mean the data is incomplete? Not necessarily, the information will be found under a different TownshipÕs name. The amalgamation of areas in recent years often followed the 1871 pattern- some of the townships just don't have many people. The townships that were "not found", NF, are indicated with an * (asterisk) in the left most column of the file. So in the data files you wont find any records for Abinger Twp. for example. It has an *, and the records are in with those for Denbigh. Not all entries use their full field sizes, and hence with some compromise as to column width used is possible in your design. In the "Comp" (compromise) column below, the column widths using Helvetica, are shown as a guide. Field Format Max Width Comp Code/Variable Description ---- ----- --------- ---- ------------------- 1 A 2 2 Not Found. Records for township will be found in another township. 2 A 24 24 Township/Town/Ward name as used on the individual records. Some abbreviations may have been used, e.g. TWN - Town VIL - Village WRD - Ward CTY - City ISL - Island etc. 3 A 14 14 1871 Census District name. 4 N 2 2 1871 Census District Code. 5 A 2 2 Sub-district code. 6 AN 11 11 NAC microfilm number(s) for Township/Town/Ward 7 A 14 14 1871 County or District associated with the township 8 A 4 4 1871 County Code as used on the individual records 9 AN 57 25 Now called/part of/includes. Boundaries are different today SOME OBSERVATIONS --------------------------------- If you can't find the name you want, reflect on how it sounds, and how it might be written. For example; O Brien, O'Brien, A'Brien; or Mc Gee, Mc Ghie; and try looking for it without the space (or with them). There are a few single letter surnames in almost every file. Legibility is not always the greatest on the original returns. Hence you may find something like BA_ _K_LLS_ _ -the best interpretation the transcriber could make. I was looking for a Corner family- it was transcribed as Conner, the writing was such it could have been interpreted as either. In some cases the transcribers made an alternate entry- the alternate spelling usually appearing in the Occupation field prefaced by "See______". The alternates donÕt always start with the same letter, and the "Sees" appear in two places, in the regular alphabetic listing, and in the "Questionable" records file. Also in the questionable records file are individuals with no surname given; both alive and dead, infants/new borns with some identified as foundlings; and lastly, a fair number of Indians. Other Indians are found under "I" with a surname of Indian, while others have a surname and appear in the regular alphabetic groups. Nuns usually have a given name of Sister, the family name being their "adopted" name, e.g. Mary. There were a few records that were electronically "mangled in the NAC files. Those noted were in Haldimand County and Toronto. In all cases there is enough information to find the record on the census microfilm. Each file has a "Header Line" added showing the columns which will help when creating your database files. * * * * * * * * * * (Following is largely abstracted directly from NAC Documentation ================================================================ BACKGROUND OF 1871 CENSUS - EDP FORMAT -------------------------------------- The first census of Canada provides, as accurately as possible, a statistical compilation and cultural cross-section of Canadian society as it existed on the 2nd of April, 1871. Under the direction of the Minister of Agriculture, specific data were collected about the population in general, its demographic structure, the assets it held, the environment in which it operated and the products that it produced. According to 'The Census Act' (33 Victoria, Chapter XXI, 12th May, 1870) each of the four provinces (Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick) were divided into 'Census Districts' (numbering 206 in total). These census districts were to correspond as closely as possible with the 'Electoral Districts' as identified under the 'British North America Act, 1867'. Furthermore, the census districts were sub-divided into 'Census Sub- Districts' (totalling 1,701) which, in turn, could be divided into a series of 'Divisions'. Divisions were usually developed only when the sub-districts were very large in area, necessitating extensive travel for the enumerator, or when they contained a relatively large population. To illustrate this geographic breakdown, Eramosa Township, Wellington County appears in the census records as District 34, Sub-District E, Divisions 1-3. The census sub-districts were, according to section five of 'The Census Act', "to correspond as nearly as may be with the Municipal or other recognized divisions thereof". Hence, not only were the census districts to correspond with the established electoral areas, but were to complement legal areas associated with counties, townships, cities, towns and villages. In some instances; however, the districts formulated for the taking of the census did not correlate with the electoral boundaries or with the "parochial, civil or political sub-divisions thereof". In the majority of cases; however, one can consider these various geographic entities to be one and the same. Individuals doing research and using census material for specific geographic areas should be aware of this fact. According to the published version of the census: "the only exceptions in Ontario to the general rule adopted of making the Census Districts to correspond with the electoral districts as they then existed, are in the cases of districts No. 42 North Simcoe, 53 North Victoria, 57 East Peterborough, 58 North Peterborough, 62 North Hastings, 82 North Renfrew, parts of which being composed of unorganised territories, were made Census Districts of themselves under the names of Muskoka No. 85, Parry Sound No. 86, South Nipissing No. 83, and North Nipissing No. 84. The electoral district of Algoma was divided into four Census Districts, namely: Manitoulin No. 87, and West Algoma No. 90, by reason of its vast extent and difficulties of communication." In order for one to obtain an appreciation of the location, and make-up of the census districts for Ontario, one should refer to the maps and tables that are in the published census for 1871. Also, in accordance with 'The Census Act', thirteen people were selected to be 'Chief Census Officers' - five from Ontario, four from Quebec, two from Nova Scotia and two from New Brunswick. These officers were to: "have spent considerable time at the seat of government, in studying census matters generally, assisting in the final consideration of the schedules and instructions, and specially pointing out the circumstances and requirements of the several sections of their respective provinces. They are to go, each in the census districts set apart as his field of operations, to confer with the commissioners, to impart to each of these the advantage of their labours and studies, and to represent the Department in the territorial divisions assigned to each of them." Under the direction of these census officers, each census district was assigned a 'Census Commissioner'. Indeed, section 7 of the 'Act' indicates that one or more 'Deputy' census commissioner(s) can be employed for the purpose of aiding the commissioner. Furthermore, the census commissioners were responsible for coordinating the activities of the 'Census Enumerators', of which there were 2,789. The enumerators were assigned the task of collecting the statistical information for each census sub-district. This statistical information was recorded on a series of forms, known as schedules. For 1871, the following schedules were employed: a. Schedule No. 1 - Nominal Return of the Living; b. Schedule No. 2 - Nominal Return of the Deaths within the last twelve months; c. Schedule No. 3 - Return of Public Institutions, Real Estate, Vehicles and Implements; d. Schedule No. 4 - Return of Cultivated Lands, Field Products, Plants and Fruits; e. Schedule No. 5 - Return of Live Stock, Animal Products, Home-Made Fabrics and Furs; f. Schedule No. 6 - Return of Industrial Establishments; g. Schedule No. 7 - Return of Products of the Forest; h. Schedule No. 8 - Return of Shipping and Fisheries; and, i. Schedule No. 9 - Return of Mineral Products. Although textual copies of all these schedules have been retained by National Archives Canada, Government Archives Division (GAD), because of their historical value, only parts of Schedules 1 and 2 have been made machine readable. In one instance, the University of Waterloo, under the authority of Marjorie Kohli (Department of Computing Services), has forwarded, to the GAD, digitised versions of Schedules 1 and 2 for parts of Wellington and Waterloo counties. These machine readable files were initially computerised under the auspices of the 'Ontario Genealogical Society/Public Archives Canada: 1871 Census Indexing Project'. At the request of various researchers and scholars, the University of Waterloo decided to expand the project to include every individual and a variety of variables included in Schedules. To provide some background, in order to commemorate their 25th anniversary in 1986, the Ontario Genealogical Society (OGS) undertook a project to produce nominal indexes for the 1871 census of Ontario. The project was originally conceived by Bruce Elliott (OGS-Ottawa) and Laurena Storey (OGS-London), and received approval in principle by the OGS Council on February 13, 1982. In the fall of 1982, the OGS approached the Machine Readable Archives (MRA) to obtain assistance for the computerisation of the data. In the spring of 1983, the MRA received approval from National Archives Canada senior management to proceed with the project. The resultant agreement was that the OGS would extract various data elements from the 1871 census schedules, transcribe the information to specially prepared indexing forms and, after the information was digitised by the MRA, verify the machine readable version against the original schedules to ensure data integrity. It was decided, as part of the project, that the following information should be extracted from Schedule No. 1 (Nominal Return of the Living): name of head of household or any stray residing therein; sex; age; birthplace; religious affiliation; ethnic origin; occupation; district, sub-district and division information; as well as information which identifies the page number where the original data reside in the census schedules. In addition, similar information was collected on individuals recorded in the death schedules (i.e. Schedule No. 2). This approach to making a portion of the 1871 census for Ontario machine readable was a compromise in place of computerising the whole census for Ontario. Due to the exorbitant costs associated with digitising the whole census a complete undertaking was not possible. However, various OGS Branches extracted all of the information contained in Schedules 1 and 2, and the fruition of this work has resulted in complete returns for parts of Wellington and Waterloo counties. It should be noted, during the transcription phase of this project difficulties may have been encountered when attempting to interpret various entries because of problems associated with an enumerator's hand writing. Further inconsistencies may be incorporated in the data because, as with the Census of 1851-52, the enumerators may have " ... displayed negligence and ignorance, ... were wholly unfit for the duties assigned to them, ... relied upon voluntary information ... and collected from people who thought the enumeration was related to taxation, the raw enumeration returns are not the most reliable." Considering the problems associated with census enumerations, errors will have been transferred to the computer record. In fact, as with any work of this nature, errors will also have been made when the information was input to computer disk. Consequently, if one is utilising these files for genealogical purposes, it is suggested that the original schedules be consulted if, for example, the age component is an important correlate for identification purposes. On the other hand, if this information is to be used to determine what trends may be associated with the variables, then those concepts associated with statistical theories of error will suffice. For the counties of Wellington and Waterloo, the following information was extracted from the Nominal Return of the Living: - every vessel that was the abode and domicile of any family or individual; - the name of every living person; - the line and page number where each person resides on the census return; - number of shanties and identification of dwelling houses under construction, uninhabited or inhabited; - family identification number (usually a sequential number for each family); - the age, sex and place of birth for each person; and, if the person was born in the last year, the year of birth; - ethnic origin; - occupation; - marital status and, if the person was married in the last 12 months, the month of marriage; - information about whether the person attends school; - whether they are over 20 years of age and are able to read or write; - whether the person is deaf and dumb, blind or of unsound mind; - general geographic information is provided (i.e., division, sub-district, county and township); and finally, - the microfilm reel number has been included for each entry. According to instructions that were provided to the enumerators, vessels and shanties were to be included only if they were inhabited as dwellings on the 2nd of April 1871. Shanties were defined as huts or cheap dwellings put up in a new settlement or temporary abiding place. Much of the information that was on the Nominal Returns of the Living was also recorded in the death schedules. However, the death schedules also provide information about the cause and month of death. Virtually, all of the death schedule information has been transferred to the computer record. A NOTE ABOUT THE CODE EXAMPLES FOLLOWING ---------------------------------------- Several reasons for possible errors in the data are identified in a later topic. The words that were abbreviated or similar to the actual spelling, or close enough to be understood given the particular context, were not included (e.g. Eglish instead of English or taylor instead of tailor). This will need to be taken into account in any analyses. A list of most such words is available upon request. Use of parentheses These were used in two specific cases: a) When a term was used and part of it needed no explanation but part was unknown the latter was put in brackets along with a question mark. e.g. A TRADER - Unknown code [A ?] b) When it was possible to suggest what an unknown code may mean, the suggested meaning and a question mark were put in another type of brackets. e.g. L CAN - Unknown code (Lower Canada ?) (Where unknown is shown in the table below, coding applied to records was not an "authorised" value) (The following table is tabbed) Field Format Max Width Comp Code/Variable Description ---- ----- --------- ----- ------------------------- 7 AN 17 13 Country or province of birth. The following abbreviations may appear in this field / - Unknown code ? - Unknown code 2 - Unknown code 3 - Unknown code BW INDIES - British West Indies C - Canada CAN - Unknown code (Canada?) CB - Unknown code C. B. (N. S. ) - Unknown code, (Cape Breton?) CE - Unknown code CH - Unknown code CP - Unknown code D - Unknown code E INDIA - Unknown code. (East?) E INDIES - Unknown code. (East?) ENG - England EUS STATES - Unknown code GERM - Unknown code (Germany?) I - Unknown code IL - Illegible INDIA W - Unknown code IRE - Ireland ISL - Unknown code (Island?) ISL`D - Unknown code (Island?) ISLD - Unknown code (Island?) K - Unknown code L - Unknown code LONT - Unknown code NB - New Brunswick N. B. - Unknown code (New Brunswick?) N BRUNSWICK - New Brunswick NC - Unknown code NEW B - Unknown code (New Brunswick) NEW BRUNS - Unknown code (New Brunswick) NF - Unknown code NFL - Unknown code (Newfoundland?) NFLD - Unknown code (Newfoundland?) NG - Not Given NI - Native Canadian NJ - Unknown code (New Jersey?) NS - Nova Scotia N. S. - Nova Scotia N SCOTIA - Nova Scotia N WALES - Unknown (north?) NWS - Unknown code NY/NY - Newark O - Ontario OB - Unknown code OC - Unknown code ONT - Ontario OR - Unknown code P EDWARD - Unknown code PEI - Prince Edward Is. PE ISLAND - Unknown code (Prince Edward Island?) P MONTREAL - Unknown code PQ - Quebec PRINCE ED IS - Unknown code (Prince Edward Island?) PRINCE EDWD - Unknown code PRO QUE - Unknown code (Province of Quebec?) PS - Unknown code Q - Quebec QB - Unknown code QU - Quebec QUE - Quebec RC - Unknown code R ISLAND - Unknown code S - Unknown code SA - Unknown code (South America?) SCOT - Scotland SCTO - Unknown code (Scotland?) SO - Unknown code S SCOT - Unknown code (Scotland?) ST. JOHN N. FLAN - Unknown code (N FLAN?) S WALES - Unknown code (South?) TVE - Unknown code U - Unknown code U CANADA - Unknown code (Upper?) U S - United States US - United States USA - United States U ST - Unknown code (United States) U STATES - Unknown code (United States?) VANCOUVER IS - Vancouver Island WEST INDIES JAMA - West Indies Jamaica WI - Unknown code W INDIES - Unknown code (West?) WM - Unknown code W. U. S. A. - Unknown code (Western U. S. A.) 8 AN 20 8 Religion of occupant The following abbreviations may appear in this field - - Unknown code AA - African Association Baptist AD - Adventists AP - American Presbyterian AT - Atheist B - Unknown code BA - Baptist BB - Bible Believer BC - Bible Christian BD - Unknown code BE - British Episcopal Methodist BG - Unknown code BM - Unknown code BP - Unknown code BR - Brethren C - Unknown code CA - Unknown code CB - Christian Brethern CC - Christian Conference Bapt. CD - Christadelphian CE - Church of England,Anglican CED - Unknown code CG - Unknown code CH - Unknown code CI - Church of Ireland CKE - Unknown code CM - Calvinistic Methodist CN - Christian CO - Congregationalist CP - CanadaPresbyterian/C. Presb CPS - Unknown code CS - Church of Scotland/Kirk/Scotch Presb. ,etc. CV - Unknown code CX - Church of Christ D - Unknown code DB - Unknown code DE - Deist DF - Unknown code DI - Disciple (of Christ) DJ - Unknown code DM - Unknown code DU - Unknown code E - Unknown code EA - Evangelical Association EB - Unknown code EK - Unknown code EM - Episcopal Methodist/Methodist Episcopal EP - Episcopal (ian) EU - Evangelical Union EV - Evangelical F - Unknown code FB - Unknown code FC - Unknown code FF - Unknown code FK - Free Kirk/Free Presb.,etc. FM - Unknown code FN - Unknown code FP - Unknown code FR - Unknown code FT - Free Thinker (of England) FW - Free Will Baptist/Free Christian GB - Regular Baptist/see also RB GM - Unknown code IF - Infidel IL - Illegible IM - I. Meth. E. IN - Independent IP - Irish Presbyterian IR - Irvingite/Catholic Apostolic JM - J. Meth. E. JN - Unknown code JU - Jew KB - Close Communion Baptist LCE - Unknown code LD - Latter Day Saints LE - Unknown code LL - Unknown code LM - Unknown code LU - Lutheran/Evangelical Lutheran LV - Unknown code M - Unknown code MC - I. Meth. C. MD - Mohammedan/Muslim ME - Methodist MEE - Unknown code MF - Unknown code MG - Unknown code MI - Meth. I. MO - Mormon MM - Unknown code MN - Mennonite MS - Messiah MV - Moravian NC - New Connexion Methodist NG - Not Given NP - N. Presbyterian NR - No Religion O - Unknown code OB - Other Baptist OM - Other Methodist OM? - Unknown code (Other Methodist?) OP - Other Presbyterian OS - Unknown code P - Unknown code PA - Pagan PB - Plymouth Brethern PC - Unknown code PK - Unknown code PL - Unknown code PM - Primitive Methodist PR - Protestant PS - Presbyterian PU - Puritan QM - Unknown code QU - Quaker/Friends QUE - Unknown code R - Unknown code RB - Reformed Baptist/R. Bapt. RC - Roman Catholic RE - Unknown code RM - R. Methodist RP - Reformed Presbyterian RS - Unknown code SC - Unknown code SD - Seventh Day Adventist SEE - See note at end of code book SP - Spiritualist SW - Swedenborgian/New Jerusalem TU - Tunker U - Unknown code UB - United Brethern UI - Unknown code UM - Unknown code UN - United Baptist UP - United Presbyterian/U. Kirk Presbyterian UT - Unitarian UV - Universalist VM - Evangelical Methodist VW - Unknown code W - Unknown code WC - Unknown code WE - Unknown code WM - Wesleyan Methodist WME - Unknown code WP - W. Presbyterian WU - Unknown code XC - C. C. Baptist ZZ - Strange References 9 AN 18 15 Ethnic Origin The following abbreviations may appear in this field AMER - American CS - Unknown code DUCH - Dutch E - Unknown code EM - Unknown code ENG - English ENGL - English ENGLIS - Unknown code (English?) F - Unknown code FARM LAB - Unknown code (see occupations?) FRENCH C - Unknown code (Canadian?) F SCOTCH - Unknown code G - Unknown code GER - German GERM - German I - Unknown code IL - Illegible IN - Unknown code (Indian?) IRE - Unknown code (Ireland?) L CAN - Unknown code (LowerCanada?) LSCOTCH - Unknown code NC - Unknown code NG - NotGiven NK - Unknown code O - Unknown code (Ontario?) OB - Unknown code RC - Unknown code S - Unknown code SCOT - Scottish T - Unknown code US - United States WM - Unknown code ? - Unknown/Questionable Š - Unknown code (typo?) 10 AN 21 18 "Profession, Occupation or Trade" The following abbreviations may appear in this field - - - Unknown code ? - Unknown code A TRADER - Unknown code[A?] ADJUTANTGEN. - AdjutantGeneral AGENT WITH E COMPANY - Unknown code [E?] AGRIC & JP - Unknown code (agriculturalist and Justice of the Peace?) AGR IMPLEMENT MF - Unknown code (agricultural implement manufacturer?) AGT - Unknown code (agent?) AIRT - Unknown code A. L. R. R. - Unknown code APPRENTCE - Apprentice ARCHATIN - Unknown code ASS CLERK SENATE - Unknown code (assistant?) ASST ENGINEER - Unknown code (assistant?) ATT - Unknown code (attorney?) B?KEEPER - Unknown code BANK OF MD - Unknown code [md?] BAPT MINISTER - Unknown code (Baptist?) BARRISTER DJ - Unknown code (Department of Justice?) B CHRISTIAN MINISTER - Unknown code (Bible?) BD - Unknown code BLASMITH - Unknown code (Blacksmith?) BLK SMITH - Unknown code (Blacksmith?) BM - Unknown code BOUREUR - Unknown code BS AGENT - Unknown code[BS?] C - Unknown code CA - Unknown code CAB CUSON - Unknown code CABPRO - Unknown code C. A. L. R. R. - Unknown code CANADA L & E AGENT - Unknown code CAP H P - Unknown code CAP R N - Unknown code CAPT. - Unknown code (Captain?) CARP - Unknown code (carpenter?) CARPTR - Unknown code (carpenter?) C. A. R. R. - Unknown code CENGINEER - Unknown code (civil?) CHIEF CON OF POL - Unknown code (chief constable of police?) CIRNL AGENT - Unknown code CIV. - Unknown code (Civil? CIVILSER - service CLER - Unknown code CLERK BNA - Unknown code CLERK DAWSON C - Unknown code[C?] CLERK DIV COURT - Unknown code (division?) CLERK GR - Unknown code CLERK P COUNCIL - Unknown code (privy?) CLK - Clerk CM - Unknown code COLLECTOR ILK - Unknown code (Milk?) C PRES MINISTER - Canadian Presbyterian CO - Company C OF DIVISIONCOURT - Unknown code (clerk?) COLONEL (M. P. ) - Unknown code (Colonel and Member of Parliament?) COMAGENT - Unknown code COM'L TRAVELLER - Unknown code (commercial?) COMM - Unknown code COMMERC - Unknown code (commercial?) COM MERCHANT - Unknown code COMMISS - Unknown code COMMTREN - Unknown code COM TRAVELLER - Unknown code CONTRACTOR M - Unknown code[M?] CO TREASURER - Unknown code CS - Unknown code (CivilService?) C SCHOOL TEACHER - Unknown code[C?] C SERVICE - Civil Service CU - Unknown code CURR - Unknown code CUSTOMS HSE OFFICER - Unknown code (House?) C V SHERIFF - Unknown code D - Unknown code DC - Unknown code D COURT CLERK - Unknown code (D?) DEPT - Unknown code (Department?) DEPY - Unknown code (deputy?) DG CLERK - Unknown code[DG?] DIVISION CT BAILIFF - Unknown code(court?) DOCTOR MED - Unknown code (medicine?) DR - Unknown code (Doctor?) D SOLDIER - Unknown code[D?] EC - Unknown code EDITOR SPEC - Unknown code EMIG AGENT - Unknown code (emigration?) E MINISTER - Unknown code [E?] ENG - Unknown code ENG`R - Unknown code (Engineer?) EXP AGENT - Unknown code (export?) F - Farmer F & B SMITH - Unknown code FARM - Farmer FARMER MILL PROP - Unknown code (proprietor?) F CLERK - Unknown code F GEN - Unknown code FL - Farmlabourer F LAB - Farmlabourer FLAB - Unknown code (seeF LAB?) FRMER - Farmer FRM LAB - Farm labourer FSTORE - Unknown code GENERAL AGENT FO - Unknown code [FO?] GEN'L AGENT - Unknown code (general?) GENTL - Gentleman G MERCHANT - Unknown code GNR - Unknown code (GrandNationalRR?) GOVT - Government GRA SCH TEACH - Unknown code(grade/grammar school teacher?) GT/GTR - Unknown code (GrandTrunkRR?) GWR - Unknown code (GreatWesternRR?) HA L - Unknown code HC/H of C - HouseofCommons H KEEPER - Unknown code (house?) H SERVANT - Unknown code (house?) I - Unknown code IL - Unknown code INS AGENT - Unknown code INS MANAGER - Unknown code INSPECTOR OF DIC - Unknown code INSTR WEIGHTS & MEASURES - Unknown code JL - Unknown code JOINER PW DEPT - Unknown code (PublicWorks?) JP - Unknown code (Justice of the Peace?) K - Unknown code K P - Unknown code (Kingston Penitentiary?) KPR - Unknown code L - - - ER - Unknown code L - Labourer LA - Unknown code LAB - Labourer LAW COM OF CUSTOMS - Unknown code LAWYER IN MD? - Unknown code[MD?] L BROKER - Unknown code LIVERY S KEEPER - Unknown code (stable?) LOCKTENDR - Locktender LT COL - Lieutenant Colonel LUMBER MERCH - Unknown code (Lumber merchant?) MALOW - Unknown code MAN & F - Unknown code MANUFR - Manufacturer MC - Unknown code M CLERK - Unknown code [M?] MD - MedicalDoctor MDAB - Unknown code MDCM - Unknown code M DOCTOR - Medical doctor MECH - Unknown code MEDICAL DOC - Medicaldoctor MEMBER OF PARL - Member of Parliament M ENGINEER - Unknown code MER. - Unknown code (merchant?) MERCH - Unknown code (merchant?) MERCHT - Merchant MESS H OF C - Unknown code (House of Commons?) METH E - Unknown code METH NI MINISTER - Unknown code MFR - Unknown code (manufacturer?) MI - Minister MIN - Unknown code (Minister?) MILLWRT - Millwright MILLSAYER - Unknown code (sawyer?) MILK CO - Unknown code MINISTER BRN. CHURCH - Unknown code (Brethern?) MKR - Unknown code (maker?) M MARINER - Unknown code (Master?) MP - Unknown code (Member of Parliament?) MPP - Unknown code (MemberProvincial Parliament?) MT - Unknown code M TAILOR - Unknown code [M?] MUFG/MFG - Unknown code (manufacturing?) NG - Unknown code OFFICE KPR SEC STATE - Unknown code (Keeper of the Office of the Secretary of State) O HOUSE - Unknown code[O?] OJ - Unknown code O N C - Unknown code OP - Unknown code (Operator?) OPER - Unknown code (Operator?) OPP - Unknown code (Operator?) PEN - Unknown code PENSIONER RCR - Unknown code (Royal Canadian Regiment?) PHYS - Unknown code (Physician?) PINPRENEUR - Unknown code PL - Unknown code PLANTEREUR - Unknown code PLD - Unknown code PLS - Provincial Land Surveyor PO - Unknown code (post office?) PO DEPARTMENT - Unknown code POST MASTER GENL - Unknown code (Post Master General?) PP AGENT - Unknown code [PP?] PRES MINISTER - Unknown code (Presbyterian?) PROF - Professor PROFESSOR MASOR - Unknown code PROFF - Professor PROP'R - Unknown code (Proprietor?) PS - Unknown code (public school?) PYY - Unknown code R - Unknown code RA CONTRACTOR - Unknown code R CONDUCTOR - Unknown (railway?) RD MASTER - Unknown code RR - Railroad R/R - Railroad R ROAD - Railroad S - Unknown code SALEMAN (SP) - Unknown code SCHOOL MISTR - Unknown code (mistress?) SCHOOLTEAC - Schoolteacher SEC INS CORP - Unknown code (Secretary Insuranc Corporation?) SECY - Unknown code (secretary?) S ENGINEER - Unknown code [S?] SERV - Unknown code SERVT - Unknown code (servant?) SEXTON PRESB CHU - Unknown code(Presbyterian Church?) SH BAILIFF - Unknown code S MASON - Stone Mason STA. MASTER - Unknown code (StationMaster?) S TEACHER - Unknown code (school?) STEWD - Unknown code SUPT - Unknown code (superintendent?) SVT - Unknown code TAGENT - Unknown code [T?] TE - Teacher TEACHER C SCHOOL - Unknown code [C?] TEACHER INS M - Unknown code (instrumental music?) TELEG OPERATOR - Unknown code(telegraph operator?) TELEGRAPH OP - Unknown code (telegraph operator?) TEL OPERATOR - Unknown code (telegraph operator?) T. GATE - Tollgate T LECTURER - Unknown code [T?] TWP - Township VETY SURGEON - Unknown code(veterinary?) W - Unknown code W CLERGYMAN - Unknown code (Wesleyan?) W ENGINEER - Unknown code [W?] WES METH - Wesleyan Methodist WID. - Unknown code (widow?) WIDOW CARRYING ON FA - Unknown code W METH MINISTER - Unknown code(Wesleyan Methodist) W MINISTER - Unknown code (Wesleyan?) W. NURSE - Unknown code[W?] - - Unknown code County Codes CTYCDE COUNTY ------ -------------------- ALG Algoma BRA Brant BRU Bruce CAR Carleton DON Ontario DUF Dufferin DUN Dundas DUR Durham ELG Elgin ESS Essex FRO Frontenac GLE Glengarry GRN Grenville GRY Grey HAS Hastings HLB Haliburton HLD Haldimand HLT Halton (RM) HNR Norfolk HUR Huron KEN Kent LAD Lennox & Addington LAM Lambton LAN Lanark LEE Leeds MAN Manitoulin Dist. MID Middlesex NPN Nipissing NPS Nipissing NRT Northumberland NWL Welland OXF Oxford PAR Parry Sound PEE Peel PER Perth PET Peterborough PRE Prescott PRI Prince Edward RUS Russell STO Stormont SUD Sudbury TBE Thunder Bay Dist. E. TBW Thunder Bay VIC Victoria WAT Waterloo (RM) WEL Wellington WEN Wentworth YOR York (RM)